A Welcome Rant

I don't claim to know everything, but I do feel like I have something to say...something worth your time to read and worth your while to walk away thinking about. I am like you, Im here on a journey in this thing called LIFE.

Emotions are not something I hide easily, nor do I even want to anymore, they do, afterall, let me know that I am alive inside, that I can still feel, that I still AM.

I welcome interaction with you, your thoughts, your opinions, your stories. I came here to share, and I have hopes that I will learn as well.

Welcome to my world, my thoughts, my insane ramblings, and my over the top opinions! Welcome to ME!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


This one is for the Boss. The Head JAP.

Someday you'll read this Murph and you'll know how you affected me, how your infectious drive and will to succeed permeated my brain and oiled the rusty gears in my get-up-n-go. You inspire me, move me, motivate me, and I have only begun to know you.

Like rats in a maze we are...existing in our cubicle world, working in boxes that line row after row, close in proximity, but a million miles away from the person next to us most of the time, but one day you stood up and I listened to you talk about your music, and your goals and ambitions, my interest piqued and the intrigue into "Murph" began. I listened everyday to your conversations with others around us and found myself smiling because of the energy I felt from you, and then we spoke to one another. God does not have accidents, I was meant to talk to you that day, to know you beyond just being a face over the cubicle.

You became a welcome smile in the mornings, and in passing through out the day and the warmth of your being was a nice change from the cold world of the cubes. I knew you were someone I could trust in, someone I could call a friend, and sure enough when I asked for a favor, you picked up and came to my rescue to help, and then i really knew that you were all that you seemed and more.

I miss you already Man, but I can't help but smile because I see so clearly today why God connected us, even tho for a short time before you needed to make moves and be away...your going to be on that very small list of people who have pushed and inspired me when I release that first book, I promise you. Today you sparked something in me that you may never realize. I have known people who talk about Faith, but you...Wow. I've never known someone so brave, and so willing to just jump in headfirst to be true to the passion in your soul. I have NO doubt that your going to succeed, there is no other option because you have GOD in your heart to depths that many will never get.  As I told you today, there is nothing you can't accomplish because your moving and shaking for all the right reasons, striving to live true to the gifts that the Creator gave you. God Bless you my friend, always....Shine that light, rap that song, change the world!

You've got a friend in me Boss....and I thank you from the depths of my being for taking the time to talk to me and share your dream and your Faith, and without even knowing or meaning to, for inspiring me to keep it moving and to not only not give up, but stop being blocked by fears and doubts, but instead to Leap, on nothing more than a pure and simple FAITH that all will be just as it needs to be; and for the reminder that if I don't nurture my dreams and paint them in vivid color, they will never be more than just dreams, because no one else is going to make them come true for me.
You picked a beautiful day for traveling, and I know that God will have your back all the way. Embrace the warmth of the sun, appreciate all the little things along the way, stop and smell the roses, and never stop believing in yourself.

~Be blessed


  1. Three letters from the boss!!!! JAP!!!!

  2. :) Glad you saw this! Keep on Keepin' On, My friend!!
