A Welcome Rant

I don't claim to know everything, but I do feel like I have something to say...something worth your time to read and worth your while to walk away thinking about. I am like you, Im here on a journey in this thing called LIFE.

Emotions are not something I hide easily, nor do I even want to anymore, they do, afterall, let me know that I am alive inside, that I can still feel, that I still AM.

I welcome interaction with you, your thoughts, your opinions, your stories. I came here to share, and I have hopes that I will learn as well.

Welcome to my world, my thoughts, my insane ramblings, and my over the top opinions! Welcome to ME!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The "Good Stuff"

Kenny Chesney, the sexy little country singer, sings about the "good stuff"  and how it isn't the material stuff, the tangible things, but instead, it's the things in life that cannot be bought.
Over the past couple of years, I have learned about the "good stuff" more and more, and learned to appreciate it a little more than I used to. GOD has Blessed me with so many wonderful experiences, and so many amazing people along the way, but the most important gifts I have ever received are the two people I cherish more than life itself, my children.
Since the day they were born, they were first in my heart, deeply embedded in my soul from the moment I knew that they were depending upon the strength and well being of my body to nourish and nurture them, and when they came into this world and looked into my eyes for the first time, I knew then and there that I would never know love like that anywhere else in this world.

Those precious people are growing up, maturing, exploring new ventures in life, finding themselves and experiencing the ups and downs of being part of this journey called life, but always, somehow, they come back to me, even if just for a moment to let me know that no matter how far they go, they will never be ~too far~ to come back.  I have often felt like a mother bird, pushing her young out of the nest, because it's time for them to fly and learn on their own. and my worst fear was that I would push them out, and that they wouldn't remember the way home once they left the nest; that I would somehow become part of the background of their past, but that isn't so. I've learned that the foundation we created together with our tears, our laughter, our trust in one another and our undying love and devotion, is forever, it's the "good stuff".

A house is only a house, sometimes; it's just a shelter from the weather, and although I am thankful for the shelter, I miss the "home." Without the kids, even the cats feel the empty echoes as we just move through our routine day to day.  Tomorrow, this house is going to be full of laughter, and silly banter, noise and commotion; LIFE, and I can't wait. I get to meet my sons new girlfriend, one of his best friends for so long now, someone who has been spoken of with a huge smile on his face, and I hear his words to me, "you're going to love her, Mom", and I can't help but be excited about her because of the happiness I hear in my young mans voice when he talks about her. I am taking a trip with these kids and their friends to Six Flags this weekend, and I know that it is just the medicine I need to heal so much that's been raw and hurting inside of me lately.  I wonder if they know how their joy is my joy, how when they smile and laugh, I feel like all is right with the world. I don't think they will fully understand it until they are in my shoes, and that's okay, it's just the way it all works, the coming full circle cycle.
I look around me at the state of things with people sometimes and see the chaos and heartache between parents and children, and it hurts my heart, for the parents and for the kids. If I could give a gift to the world, it would be to know this love that Dustin and Danielle have graced my life with, in their own lives. Many times people  have questioned us, misunderstood us, and tried to redirect us into ways they thought were "better," but we stayed our course and weathered life together, intact and strong. When they come to me now and want my advice, or my opinion, or even my blessing, I can't help but feel so thankful because I know that they wouldn't do that if they didn't have Faith in me, and trust in the person that I am and have always been in their lives, and that in doing so, they are giving Me a gift.

I don't remember when I have looked so forward to a house full of people, to chatter, to clutter on the coffee table, and dishes in the sink; but I am so excited to share this time with these young men and women, and to laugh and have fun with them; and most of all, I am just so looking forward to having the main ingredients back that turn a simple house into a warm and loving home; my heart and my soul; my children.

Yea, that's the "Good Stuff.........."

Chesney Video

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